Sunday, September 28, 2008

What makes a good mother? What makes a bad mother? Comments? I'm interested...


spoonful of sugar said...

good mother = completely devoted to her child/children no matter their age or location. a mother's love is unconditional and everything she does is for the benefit of her kids.

the reason for her existence.. is her children. at the moment of birth, a good mother recognizes that an unbreakable bond of responsibility has been forged, and she never hesitates to act on that responsibility.

Deep Sea Design said...

Why thank you "spoonful of sugar!"

A Girl Can Always Dream said...

Unconditional love is also on the top of my list for what makes a good mother. But tough love unfortunately has to play a part sometimes too...depending on the child. Spoiled children turn into spoiled adults and then who do people blame - the mother!