I love the work of Julien Pacaud. This piece illustration specifically seems to have the same sort of "mood" I'm going for in my work this semester. You can take a look at more of Pacaud's work here.
Here is a scanned illustration from a "Home Workshop Projects" magazine from 1952. I was flipping through this book for furniture ideas for an interior I'd like to draw up and this gave me a chuckle...
Here is an adaptation of a piece I'm working on for the class/leisure. I was a bit stuck so I decided to make something for myself that could maybe fit into the equation of what I'm doing this semester...
If anyone has "newer" magazines they have lying around their house...or anybody's house snatch those and give them to me. I'm in need of more modern prints for collage. I have a start on three new pieces but need a more modern approach so any help would be much appreciated.
(I won't cut them up just scanning and such...so they will not be destroyed if needed back)
Anathallo has recorded and are about to release a new CD called Canopy Glow. You can listen to their amazing Single, The River here. This is music to make art to... The featured painting is called Temma on Earth by Tim Lowly.
Kingsfoil just got DSD shirts printed up and on their myspace page. Check them out (Indie band based in York, PA).
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Andy Cruz just Posted this amazing dollhouse, promoting their new typeface, Studio Swing. I love the style and would look into some sort of display for my older looking pieces in a gallery setting.
I would like to use this as a template for my view-master slides...love it!
I want to do something vintage and awesome like this for my View-Master display I want to set up for my Senior show. Let me know how I can make it relate to my "Parenting" display...